Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 19 November 2004

Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) (Report of the Governance and Partnership Committee)

Decision Point 1

The Board adopts the following requirements for CCMs:

  1. All CCMs are required to show evidence of membership of people living with and/or affected by the diseases;
  2. CCM members representing the non-government sectors must be selected by their own sector(s) based on a documented, transparent process, developed within each sector;
  3. CCMs are required to put in place and maintain a transparent, documented process to:
    1. Solicit and review submissions for possible integration into the proposal;
    2. Nominate the Principal Recipient and oversee program implementation;
    3. Ensure the input of a broad range of stakeholders, including CCM members and non-members, in the proposal development and oversight process

There are no material budgetary implications of this decision.

Decision Point 2

The Board agrees to make the following word substitution in the CCM Guidelines:

When the PRs and Chair or Vice Chairs of the CCM are the same entity, the CCM must should have a written plan in place to mitigate against this inherent conflict of interest.

There are no material budgetary implications of this decision.