Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 29 September 2005

Phase 2 Decision: Senegal

The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period of the Senegal grant (SNG-102-G01-H-OO) in the amount of USD 5,714,285, conditional on satisfaction of the conditions set forth in the Report of the Technical Review Panel on Honduras Round 1 HIV/AIDS Grant and Senegal Round 1 HIV/AIDS Grant Phase 2 Renewals (GF/B11/15, Revision 2). The Board specifies that the approved amount is an upper ceiling rather than a final funding amount, and that the final amount shall reflect the conditions and the responses to the clarifications requested by the Technical Review Panel.

The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of this grant shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.

Budgetary Implications

The budgetary implications of this decision point are USD 5,714.285.