Approved by the Board on: 13 November 2007
The Board acknowledges the letter from the Roll Back Malaria ("RBM") Partnership, dated August 16, 2007 requesting the Global Fund to consider hosting the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria ("AMFm").
Based on the information provided to date, the Board supports in principle:
To facilitate a final Board decision on hosting the AMFm, the Board requests the Secretariat, under the oversight of the PSC, to develop and present to the Board at its Seventeenth Meeting a report and a possible business model and plan for hosting the AMFm within the Global Fund, taking into account operational and architectural considerations and consultations with the RBM Taskforce, UNITAID, key recipient countries and other relevant stakeholders. The intended mechanism should seek to increase broad access to ACTs especially among those at highest risk.
The budgetary implications of this decision point in 2008 amount to US$ 675,000, which includes an allocation for 2 staff positions.