Approved by the Board on: 13 November 2007
The Board decides that the Global Fund shall discontinue the Administrative Services Agreement with the World Health Organization not later than December 31, 2008 (the "End Date"). Administrative and employment arrangements that will be in effect after that date shall be determined in accordance with the principles, processes and timelines that are described in Annex 2 to the Report of the Finance and Audit Committee GF/B16/8.
Pursuant to the above, the Board requests the Secretariat to propose a new cash balance pension scheme that shall provide safeguards for the interests of staff, to which Global Fund staff can be affiliated beginning on the date of termination of the WHO Administrative Services Agreement (the "GF Pension Fund"), and delegates authority to the Finance and Audit Committee to approve it by its March 2008 meeting.
The Secretariat shall notify the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund through the WHO that the Global Fund wishes to negotiate a transfer agreement between the UNJSPF and the GF Pension Fund, for submission to the July 2008 session of the UNJSPF Board.
The Board takes note of the need to further clarify the relationship and partnership with the WHO and the UN system after a discontinuation of the administrative services agreement with WHO, based on a true public/private identity as an efficient and attractive financing instrument and the role of the UN, including its normative role and function. It requests that a draft policy statement on the relationship and partnership with the WHO and the UN system, linked to the broader PSC review of partnership relations, is presented at the 17th Board Meeting.
The budgetary implications of this decision point amount to a maximum of US$ 18.4 million in 2008 which includes an allocation for 7 staff positions.