Approved by the Board on: 13 November 2007
The Board recognizes the importance of addressing gender issues, with a particular focus on the vulnerabilities of women and girls and sexual minorities, in the fight against the three diseases, more substantially into the Global Fund's policies and operations.
The Board authorizes the Secretariat as a matter of priority to immediately appoint senior level "Champions for Gender Equality", with appropriate support, who will:
a. Work with technical partners and relevant constituencies to develop a gender strategy.
b. As an immediate priority, provide guidance to the Portfolio Committee on revisions to the Guidelines for Proposals for Round 8 to encourage applicants to submit proposals that address gender issues, with a particular reference to the vulnerability of women and girls and sexual minorities.
The Board requests the Policy and Strategy Committee to review the Gender Strategy and present it to the Board for approval at the Seventeenth Board meeting.
The budgetary implications of this decision point in 2008 amount to US $556,700, which includes an allocation for three staff positions.