The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposal listed in Schedule A in the amount indicated for the proposal, with the clear understanding that the amount approved is an upper ceiling rather than the final funding amount, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for the proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard.The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of the proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.
The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period of the Round 4 Togo Malaria grant (TGO-405-G05-M) as a ‘Conditional Go’ in the amount of up to US$4,628,947 subject to TRP clarifications within a limited timeframe and to conditions to be cleared by the Secretariat.The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of this grant shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.
Rwanda, Malaria – Round 5 Grant Number: RWN-506-G06-M CCM Requested Amount (Total Phase 2 in US$) 11,508,591 Approved Funding Amount (Incremental in US$) 11,508,591 Recommendation Category: Conditional Go