Approval of Funding Recommendations (Phase 2 and Extension)
Approved by the Board on: 13 March 2008
Approval of Funding Recommendations (Phase 2 and Extension)
The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard.
The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.
The Board approves a 3-month extension to the deadline for the satisfaction of the following condition in the Yemen Round 3 HIV Grant Score Card[1]:
Within 12 months of Board approval of continued funding, the Principal Recipient shall provide evidence to the Global Fund that it has met at least 80% of the targets for that period contained in the proposal for each of the following indicators:
Number of PLWHA receiving antiretroviral combination therapy; Number of people receiving VCT; Number of high risk vulnerable persons reached with IEC activities; Number of staff trained in behavioral surveillance; and Number of service deliverers trained in IEC, BCC community outreach, VCT, STD, ART, care and support. Should these targets not be met by September 2008, all further funding of this proposal shall cease.
The revised deadline to meet the condition is set at 31 December 2008.
Kosovo, TB – Round 4 Grant Number(s): KOS-405-G01-T CCM Requested Amount (Total Phase 2 in US$): 1,830,050 Approved Funding Amount (Incremental in US$): 1,830,050 Recommendation Category: Go
Macedonia, TB – Round 5 Grant Number(s): MKD-506-G02-T CCM Requested Amount (Total Phase 2 in US$): 1,628,608 Approved Funding Amount (Incremental in US$): 1,628,608 Recommendation Category: Go
Malawi, Malaria – Round 2 Grant Number(s): MLW-202-G02-M CCM Requested Amount (Total Phase 2 in US$): 19,674,096(1) Approved Funding Amount (Incremental in US$): 18,816,000 Recommendation Category: Conditional Go
Tajikistan, Malaria – Round 5 Grant Number(s): TAJ-506-G04-M CCM Requested Amount (Total Phase 2 in US$): 2,611,509 Approved Funding Amount (Incremental in US$): 2,611,509 Recommendation Category: Go