Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 08 November 2008

Round 8 Funding Decisions (Phase 1, Phase 2, New Rolling Continuation Mechanism (RCC), Timing)

The Board recognizes that Round 8 represents the highest amount of TRP-recommended proposals in the history of the Global Fund. The Board congratulates its implementing partners for demonstrating increased high quality demand to meet the needs of the people in implementing countries to fight HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The Board acknowledges that this exceptional expression of increased demand requires a resource mobilization effort by the Board and the Secretariat. 

The measures outlined below are intended to ensure that the Global Fund can fund all recommended Round 8 proposals and make provision for future funding (including new rounds) while staying within the limits of available resources.

The Board requests the Resource Mobilization Task Team, convened by the Chair of the Board, to provide concrete recommendations to the Board, its individual members and the Secretariat that enable urgent actions for increased Resource Mobilization efforts to address the funding needs for 2009 and 2010.

The Board notes that the scale of resources required calls for strong support from the highest level of decision-makers at national and international level, including statements of commitment at the UN General Assembly, the UNAIDS PCB and the World Health Assembly. The Board will, where possible, endeavor to promote such high level calls for support through their respective delegations.

The Board decides as follows:

  1. Round 8 Phase 1:  The Round 8 proposals to be approved for funding by the Board shall collectively be subject to a 10% adjustment for efficiency, resulting in a maximum limit of US$2.753 billion for Phase 1. The Board requests the Secretariat to report back at each Board meeting on its progress in working with Country Coordinating Mechanisms and Principal Recipients to achieve this overall 10% efficiency gain.
  2. Round 8 Phase 2:  The Phase 2 amount of approved Round 8 proposals shall collectively be subject to a maximum limit of US$3.087 billion (being 75% of the Phase 2 amounts in the Round 8 recommended proposals). If new resources become available, this limit may be partially or fully relaxed.
  3. New Rolling Continuation Channel (RCC):  The first phase of RCC proposals (RCC 1) approved by the Board in response to RCC invitations sent after the date of this decision shall each be subject to a limit of 140% of the amount of the incremental funding approved for the Phase 2 period of the relevant expiring grant. If new resources become available, this limit may be reviewed and revised or removed.
  4. Phase 2 and RCC:  The Board requests that, until 31 December 2010, the Secretariat work with CCMs and Principal Recipients to find efficiency savings of 10% (US$0.5 billion) in Phase 2 renewals of existing grants and upcoming RCC renewals. These savings shall be applied to financial needs in 2011.
  5. Timing of Rounds:  Recalling its decisions to announce an extra Call for Proposals for funding in 2008 ("Round 9"), the Board decides to extend the deadline for submission of proposals for Round 9 to 1 June 2009. The Board will consider and decide on the TRP's recommendations for funding of Round 9 proposals at its Twentieth Board Meeting in November 2009. The Board will also discuss the timing of future rounds at the Twentieth Board Meeting.

The resourcing implications of this decision are set out in the table annexed to this decision.