Approved by the Board on: 08 November 2008
The Board welcomes the recommendations of Study Area (SA) 2 of the Five-Year Evaluation, as summarized in the Report of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group (TERG) (GF/B18/11). It requests the Secretariat to report to the Policy and Strategy Committee (PSC) on the Secretariat's progress to date on responding to SA2 recommendations. The Board also requests the Secretariat to articulate a process and timeline for responding to and implementing SA 3 recommendations.
The Board endorses the TERG's call for action for the Global Fund to work with partners to strengthen country monitoring and evaluation systems for performance and impact, to build analytical capacity in countries and to support development of country-owned impact evaluation platforms.
The Board requests the PSC Chair, in consultation with the Chairs of the Portfolio Committee (PC) and the Finance and Audit Committee (FAC), to set up a small ad-hoc committee with the specific task of assisting the PSC to follow-up on, and respond to the 5-Year Evaluation process.
This Decision was superseded by GF/B19/DP29.