Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 06 May 2009

One-Year Grace Period

The Board decides that the one year "grace period" applicable for income level eligibility determinations for Global Fund funding where a country moves up from one income category to the next does not apply in the case that a country moves from "upper-middle income" to "high income". Therefore, the Board decides to amend paragraph 4 of Part 3 of the document entitled "Income Level and Cost Sharing Eligibility Criteria for Proposals for Funding from the Global Fund" (GF/B16/7 Attachment 1, Revision 1) by adding the following paragraph: 

"In line with the general principle that high income countries are not eligible for Global Fund funding, the one-year grace period only applies to countries moving from the "low-income" category to the "lower-middle income" category and for countries moving from the "lower-middle income" category to the "upper-middle income" category. Those countries moving from "upper-middle income" to "high-income" are not eligible for funding."