Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 06 May 2009

Preventing Treatment Disruption

The Board notes with concern increasing reports of threats to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria treatment continuity. For example, recent estimates by the World Bank indicate that antiretroviral treatment to 1.7 million people is under threat, with 15 countries "highly exposed" to the risk of treatment interruption. 

Therefore, the Board requests the Chair and Vice Chair to delegate to the appropriate committee(s) the task of reporting back to the Board at its Twentieth Meeting with an update on this issue, including an analysis - undertaken by the Secretariat in cooperation with partners as a matter of urgency - that indicates which countries receiving Global Fund support for HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria treatment are at risk of treatment disruption in 2009-10. The Board requests that the Secretariat, while continuing its ongoing work to minimize the risk of stock-outs and treatment disruption, report to the appropriate committee(s) on whether or not existing procedures are adequate and propose solutions to minimize the risk of stock-outs and treatment disruption on an ongoing basis. 

The Board also requests the Secretariat to designate a focal point to liaise with specified focal points among relevant partners and affected communities to facilitate communication and respond effectively and collectively to threats to treatment continuity.