Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 11 November 2009

Joint HSS Platform with GAVI and the World Bank

The Board acknowledges the collaborative efforts undertaken by the Global Fund with the World Bank and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and immunizations (GAVI), with technical support and facilitation from the World Health Organization (WHO), to develop a proposal for a common platform for joint Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) funding and programming to respond to country needs and to accelerate achievements in the fight against the three diseases and improve immunization coverage.

The Board requests the Secretariat, in close consultation with the Policy and Strategy Committee, to continue collaboration with the partner agencies to elaborate in an inclusive manner the operational, financial and policy implications for joint HSS funding and programming based on but not limited to the proposed Option 1 (Single HSS Funding Application) and Option 2 (Funding on the Basis of Jointly Assessed National Health Strategies) described in the Policy and Strategy Committee's Report to the Board (GF/B20/4).

The Board asks the Secretariat to propose to the PSC, based on consultations at country level with key stakeholders, how a joint HSS platform could be operationalized and funded, for recommendation to the Board at its Twenty-First Meeting.