Approved by the Board on: 11 November 2009
1. The Board approves, in principle, all the Round 9 proposals and National Strategy Applications (NSAs) recommended for funding by the Technical Review Panel (TRP).
2. The Board approves for funding, subject to Decision GF/B20/DP9, for an initial two years those Round 9 proposals and NSAs recommended for funding by the TRP as 'Category 1' and 'Category 2' as listed in LIST A in GF/B20/18, subject to paragraphs 4 to 5 below.
3. The remaining Round 9 proposals and NSAs recommended for funding by the TRP as 'Category 2B' will be approved for funding for an initial two years (subject to Decision GF/B20/DP9) and paragraph 4 and 5 below):
a. through Board confirmation by email (or, if appropriate, at the Twenty-First Board Meeting), as funds become available under the terms of the Comprehensive Funding Policy; and
b. based on the composite ranking of such proposals in compliance with the Comprehensive Funding Policy.
4. The applicants whose proposals are recommended for funding as 'Category 1' (as indicated in Annex 1 of GF/B20/9 and Annex 1 of GF/B20/11) shall conclude the TRP clarifications process, as indicated by the written approval of the Chair and/or Vice Chair of the TRP, not later than eight weeks after the applicant's receipt of:
a. notification in writing from the Secretariat of the Board's decision; or
b. the findings of the independent budget review, in cases where the TRP has requested an independent budget review as part of the clarifications process.
5. The applicants whose proposals are recommended for funding as 'Category 2', including the subset of proposals identified as 'Category 2B' (as indicated in Annex 1 of GF/B20/9, and Annex 1 of GF/B20/11), shall:
a. provide an initial detailed written response to the requested TRP clarifications and adjustments by not later than eight weeks after the applicant's receipt of :
i. notification in writing by the Secretariat to the applicant of this Board decision; or
ii. the findings of the independent budget review, in cases where the TRP has requested an independent budget review as part of the clarifications process; and
b. conclude the TRP clarifications process, as indicated by the written approval of the Chair and Vice Chair of the TRP, not later than three months from the Secretariat's receipt of the applicant's initial detailed response to the issues raised for clarification and/or adjustment.
6. The Board declines to approve for funding those proposals recommended by the TRP as 'Category 3' as indicated in Annex 1 of GF/B20/9 and Annex 1 of GF/B20/11. These applicants are encouraged to re-submit a proposal in a future funding round after major revision of the proposal.
7. The Board declines to approve for funding those proposals recommended by the TRP as 'Category 4', as indicated in Annex 2 of GF/B20/9.
8. The Board notes the TRP's request to have additional financial analysis support as part of the clarifications process and requests the Secretariat to make the necessary arrangements.
The budgetary implications of this decision are estimated at approximately USD 375,000 for professional fees associated with independent budget reviews and financial analysis support.