Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 11 November 2009

AMFm Implementation

The Board refers to its earlier decisions regarding the Affordable Medicine Facility - malaria ("AMFm") and clarifies its intent that the Global Fund will only expand from Phase 1 (the pilot phase) of AMFm to a global scale-up on the basis of evidence gathered during the pilot phase that the initiative is likely to achieve its four stated objectives: (i) increased ACT affordability, (ii) increased ACT availability, (iii) increased ACT use, including among vulnerable groups, and (iv) "crowding out" oral artemisinin monotherapies, chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine by gaining market share. The Board further clarifies that it will consider evidence that the AMFm will achieve these four objectives more cost-effectively than other financing models that aim to achieve similar objectives solely or principally through the expansion of public sector services (i.e., public health facilities and community health workers only).

The Board requests the AMFm Ad Hoc Committee to review the findings of the independent evaluation of AMFm Phase 1 against the four objectives and to make a recommendation to the Board at its first meeting in 2012 on whether to expand, accelerate, modify, terminate or suspend the AMFm business line in countries participating in the pilot. The Board notes that, in addition, it may decide to extend the pilot phase beyond its first meeting in 2012, if necessary. Any such extension would be subject to available funding and the Board reiterates that AMFm Phase 1 is currently funded as a 24-month program and countries should plan accordingly.

The Board decides that, in addition to the AMFm 'identifier', all AMFm co-paid ACTs should bear a logo that is universal for all countries participating in AMFm. During implementation of AMFm Phase 1, based on lessons learned and discussions with participating countries and with due regard to the independent evaluation, other donors should be encouraged and permitted to use the logo on ACTs procured directly by such donors, provided that such ACTs meet the Global Fund's quality assurance policy. The Board requests RBM to work with participating countries, donors and all partners to coordinate the progress towards a universal logo for all quality-assured ACTs.

The Board approves the revised AMFm Phase 1 Policy attached as Annex 1 to the Report of the AMFm Ad Hoc Committee to the Board (GF/B20/7).