Approved by the Board on: 15 December 2010
The Board approves the following amendments to the Board Chair and Vice-Chair nomination and election process:
1. The incumbent Board Chair and Vice-Chair shall launch the nomination process three months ahead of the Board meeting at which the election is scheduled to take place.
2. Any individual nominated by a voting constituency, with the attributes stipulated in the Terms of Reference of the Board Chair and Vice-Chair, may stand for office.
3. The Board Chair and Vice-Chair shall, upon election, become ex-officio members of the Board during their tenure, independent of any constituency, and shall not hold voting rights.
These amendments are reflected in the excerpts of the revised By-laws, Board Operating Procedures and Terms of Reference of the Board Chair and Vice-Chair contained in Annex 4, Revision 1 of the PSC's report to the Twenty-Second Board (GF/B22/4).