Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 15 December 2010

Enhancing Global Fund support to maternal, newborn and child health

The Board:

1. Notes the paper presented by the Secretariat on potential options and implications for enhancing Global Fund contributions to maternal and newborn and child health (GF/B22/DP4, Annex 3), consistent with its previous decision entitled "Exploring Options for Optimizing Synergies with Maternal and Child Health." (GF/B21/DP20);

2. Encourages countries, where applicable, to strengthen the MNCH content of their Global Fund-supported investments, maximizing existing flexibilities for integrated programming as noted in the previous Decision Point;

3. Requests the Secretariat to develop, under the oversight of PIC and in collaboration with partners, clear guidance (including indicators) for countries on strengthening the MNCH content of their HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and health systems strengthening portfolios. As part of this work, the Secretariat will detail the operational and budgetary implications of rolling out the guidance; and

4. Acknowledges the need to define longer-term possibilities for increased engagement by the Global Fund in MNCH, as part of the Strategy Development Process.