Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 12 May 2011

Plan for Comprehensive Reform: Fiduciary Controls

  1. The Board recognizes that an effective system of fiduciary control that spans from proposal development through grant implementation is essential to the Global Fund. 

  2. As such, the Board requests the Secretariat to take the following actions as specified in Part 5.2.i-iv of the Report of the Comprehensive Reform Working Group (CRWG Report) GF/B23/13, and report on its progress and implementation of these actions at the Twenty-Fourth Board Meeting:

    i. Develop an accountability framework for fiduciary control and risk management;

    ii. Strengthen the application and enforcement of minimum Principal Recipient requirements;

    iii. Develop a fully transparent information system and an effective communications strategy; and

    iv. Develop a calibrated and differentiated response mechanism.

  3. Pursuant to Part 5.2.v of the CRWG Report, the Board requests that the Finance and Audit Committee (FAC) review and refine the position and scope of audit and investigation functions, and report on its progress at the Twenty-Fourth Board Meeting.