Approved by the Board on: 12 May 2011
As outlined in GF/B23/DP24, the Board reiterates its full commitment to transparency, and to the independence of the Office of the Inspector General within the Global Fund.
The Board recognizes the need to have clear, consistent and contextualized information regarding the status of losses identified from OIG audits and investigations, as well as the status of efforts to recover losses, which can then be made public.
Accordingly, the Board requests the Global Fund Secretariat and the OIG, under the oversight of FAC, to jointly publish before each regular scheduled meeting of the Board, a Losses & Recoveries Report ("Report") containing background information and an updated table in the format outlined in Attachment 1 to GF/B23/6.
The Board requests the FAC to:
The table shall only contain information on identified losses when:
The usefulness of the application of the Losses & Recoveries Report for information sharing and communication will be reviewed by FAC before the second Global Fund Board meeting of 2012.
The Board requests that the High Level Independent Review Panel on Fiduciary Controls and Oversight Mechanisms consider and provide guidance on the issues surrounding the use of a denominator to serve as a communication tool regarding the scale and evolution of losses in Global Fund supported programs, as part of their interim report.
This decision does not have material budgetary implications for the 2011 Operating Expenses Budget.