Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 22 November 2011

The Global Fund Strategy 2012-2016

The Board refers to its decision on the Global Fund Strategy 2012-2016 Framework (GF/B23/DP14) and:

  1. Approves the Global Fund Strategy Framework 2012-2016 (GF/B25/7/a) (the "Strategy Framework"), endorses in principle the Strategic Actions articulated in the Global Fund Strategy 2012-2016 (GF/B25/7/b) (the "Strategy Document"), and affirms its vision of a more vibrant and engaged institution working more closely with countries to achieve impact;

  2. Requests the Secretariat to commence work to implement the strategy as set forth in the Strategy Framework and the Strategy Document; and

  3. Requests the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee to:

    i. oversee the implementation of the strategy;

    ii. review and recommend as appropriate any related changes in policy or operations that require Board discussion or approval (or refer other changes as appropriate to the Coordinating Group for attention by other committees); and

    iii. provide the Board with a progress update on the implementation of the Strategic Actions at the Twenty-Seventh Board Meeting, and regularly thereafter.

Budgetary Implications

The budgetary implications of this decision will be addressed together with those related to the Consolidated Transformation Plan as part of the 2012 budgetary approval process.