Approved by the Board on: 20 January 2012
Referring to its earlier decision on 19 December 2011 (B25/EDP/02), the Board:
See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$282,752,190 for the following grants: BLR-809-G03-H ; BRN-809-G07-H ; IND-809-G13-M ; IND-809-G14-M ; KAZ-809-G04-T ; NIC-809-G06-H ; PHL-202-G09-M ; PHL-202-G11-T ; SOM-809-G06-H ; ZIM-809-G14-S ; ZIM-809-G13-M
[1] When the Board approves the renewal of an existing grant, the Secretariat is required to commit that approved funding in annual tranches, with an initial commitment for the first year of funding only. Additional one-year funding tranches may subsequently be committed by the Secretariat, conditional upon the availability of funding.
This DP corrects one grant approved via: GF/B25/EDP02: December 2011 Phase 2 Funding Decision (Zimbabwe grants numbered ZIM-809-G14-S and ZIM-809-G13-M)