Approved by the Board on: 11 May 2012
1. Given the new and encouraging financial forecasts presented to the Global Fund’s Board at its Twenty-Sixth Meeting in Geneva in May 2012, the Board decides to accelerate the implementation of the new Global Fund Strategy ‘Investing for Impact’ by opening new funding opportunities starting in late September 2012 to allow for Board funding decisions to be made no later than the end of April 2013.
2. The Secretariat, under the guidance of the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee (‘SIIC’), will design in consultation with countries, partners and other stakeholders, the elements of the new funding models, including the structure and parameters of the new ‘iterative process’, options for distribution of funds available, and other elements, and the SIIC will bring its recommendation to a special Board meeting in September 2012.
3. The Finance and Operational Performance Committee will work with the Secretariat to test the resource forecasting model on a monthly basis and confirm the resource forecast in September 2012.
4. As soon as possible, and under the oversight of the SIIC, the Secretariat will work with countries and partners to develop estimates of demand for programs for the three diseases and related health systems and civil society strengthening investments that are consistent with the new strategic approach and take into account existing resources available in country, by September to inform the Board and other stakeholders and to aid replenishment.
5. The new funding models will be developed in line with the new Strategy and the principles articulated in the Framework Document that the ‘Fund will base its work on programs that reflect national ownership and respect country-led formulation and implementation processes’.
6. It is envisaged that this will :
a. create a specific opportunity for countries to assess the gap between national coverage levels for the 3 diseases and actual need;
b. permit the establishment of multiple funding opportunities per year and have a mechanism that allows for high quality, grant ready proposals to be financed as funding becomes available ;
Accelerating Implementation of the Global Fund Strategy
c. ensure a comprehensive and specific analysis of complementarity among funders; and
d. increase the sustainability of Global Fund supported programs.