Approval for the Re-launch of the Mozambique Round 8 Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Grant (MOZ-8…
Approved by the Board on: 24 June 2012
Approval for the Re-launch of the Mozambique Round 8 Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Grant (MOZ-809-G08-S)
The Board refers to the Mozambique Round 8 Health Systems Strengthening grant (MOZ-809-G08-S) which has not begun implementation more than 24 months from the original Board approval of the proposal.
Noting that the Country Coordinating Mechanism has requested a material re-programming of the program, the Board approves the grant to be re-launched with additional funding of up to USD 5,653,933 and with one additional year of implementation, subject to the approval of the Technical Review Panel (‘TRP’) to the re-programming and any clarifications which the TRP may require, so that the program will be implemented for a total of three years from the date of the re-launch.