Decision on the Secretariat’s Grant Renewals Funding Recommendations
Approved by the Board on: 03 May 2013
Decision on the Secretariat’s Grant Renewals Funding Recommendations
The Board:
Notes the consolidation of Pakistan’s Round 8 (PKS-809-G09-T) and Round 9 (PKS-910-G11-T) tuberculosis grants (the “Constituent Grants”) into one Single Stream of Funding (“SSF”) grant with the National Tuberculosis Control Program as Principal Recipient and a total budget amount for the implementation period comprised of the sum of the Board-approved budgets of the Constituent Grants, as set forth in Table 2; and
Approves, in accordance with its decision to launch the transition to the New Funding Model (GF/B28/DP5), funding in the amount listed for the interim-applicant SSF grant in Table 2 (the “Additional Amount”), which will be in addition to the total budget amount of the Constituent Grants for the implementation period. The Additional Funding increases the upper-ceiling amount available for commitment rather than the final funding amount for the implementation period and is subject to the provision that continued funding for the SSF grant shall be committed in annual tranches, subject to the availability of funding (GF/B25/DP16, para 7 of Annex 1).
See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of USD 8,000,000 for the following grant: PKS-T-NTP