Approved by the Board on: 14 June 2013
The Board:
Approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period of the Rwanda SSF HIV grant (RWN-H-MOH) in the amount listed in Table 4, subject to relevant clarifications and conditions stipulated by the TRP. The amount approved represents the upper ceiling rather than the final funding amount for the Phase 2 period and on-going implementation arrangements for the grant shall be pursued by the Secretariat consistent with the principles of the recommendations set forth in the related Grant Score Card submitted to the Board and in accordance with Global Fund policies. Approval is also subject to the availability of funding and to the provision that continued funding for the grant shall be committed in annual tranches (GF/B25/DP16, para 7 of Annex 1).
See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of USD 150,684,607 for the following grant: RWN-H-MOH