Decision on the Secretariat’s Funding Recommendations for Interim Applicants
Approved by the Board on: 28 February 2014
Decision on the Secretariat’s Funding Recommendations for Interim Applicants
The Board:
Approves, in accordance with its decision to launchthe transition to the New Funding Model (GF/B28/DP5), incremental funding inthe amount listed for the interim-applicant grants in Table 3 (the “RecommendedIncremental Funding under the New Funding Model”), which will be in addition tothe relevant grants’ total budget amounts that the Board has already approvedfor the implementation period. The Recommended Incremental Funding under theNew Funding Model increases the upper-ceiling amount available for commitmentrather than representing the final funding amount for the relevantimplementation period, and is subject to the availability of funding and to theprovision that the approved funding for the relevant grants shall be committedin annual tranches.
See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 3,000,000 for the followinggrants: CAM-708-G12-T (Cambodia) and MLW-708-G05-M (Malawi).
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