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Approved by the Board on: 17 November 2015
Based on the recommendations of the Transitional Governance Committee (the "TGC"), presented in GF/B34/18 - Revision 1, the Board:
a. Approves, in principle, the establishment of the following three standing committees (the "Standing Committees") and each Standing Committee's respective purpose, functions, and composition:Accordingly, the Board requests the TGC (i) consider all potential refinements, suggested by the Board, to the charters and other core governance documents referenced in paragraph 1 above and (ii) propose final versions to the Board for approval as soon as possible to enable the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board to launch the process for the Board to appoint the Chairs and Vice-Chairs, as well as membership, of the Standing Committees, by no later than the first Board meeting in 2016.
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