Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 04 May 2017 Progress Update and Steps for Advancement

  1. The Board acknowledges the progress update on presented by the Secretariat and notes the proposal contained in the paper “ Progress Update and Steps for Advancement”, as set forth in GF/B37/07 – Revision 2, to pilot a limited number of transactions by current Principal Recipients (“PRs”) using domestic funding via
  2. Based on the recommendation of the Strategy Committee, the Board approves the piloting of a limited number of transactions (at a maximum ten in total) by current PRs using domestic funding via
  3. Accordingly, the Board:
    1. requests that the Secretariat: (i) provide to the Strategy Committee, by its next meeting, clearly defined draft indicators of success for the pilot; and (ii) report regularly to the Strategy Committee on the operationalization of this pilot, including any lessons learned from such transactions in light of the long-term perspective for; and
    2. delegates to the Strategy Committee the authority to approve further transactions with domestic funding through on a pilot basis, with the objective to provide input into further strategic and operational planning for