Indicator Revisions and Target Setting for Key Performance Indicators 6a: Resilient and Sustainable …
Approved by the Board on: 30 June 2020
Indicator Revisions and Target Setting for Key Performance Indicators 6a: Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health: - Procurement; 6f: Alignment with National Strategic Plans; 9C: Key populations and human rights domestic investments and 12b: Availability of affordable health technologies: Affordability
Based on the recommendation of the Strategy Committee, the Board approves:
the revisions for Key Performance Indicator 6a as presented in GF/B43/ER06;
the performance target for Key Performance Indicator 6f as presented in GF/B43/ER06; and
the revisions for Key Performance Indicator 9c as presented in GF/B43/ER06.
Based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee, the Board approves the revision to the 2020 performance target for Key Performance Indicator 12b as presented in GF/B43/ER06.