Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 24 February 2021

Revision of Amended and Restated Code of Conduct for Governance Officials

  1. Based on the recommendation of the Ethics and Governance Committee, the Board approves the revisions to the Amended and Restated Code of Conduct for Governance Officials, as set forth in Annex 1 to GF/B44/ER10.
  2. Accordingly, the Board acknowledges that this decision point and the revisions to the Amended and Restated Code of Conduct for Governance Officials shall supersede the approval of the previous Amended and Restated Code of Conduct for Governance Officials, pursuant to decision point GF/B43/EDP05.

Budgetary Implications

The implementation activities described in this paper are provided for in the 2021 OpEx budget and include assessment of longer-term budgetary needs.