Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 12 May 2022

Leveraging the work of the Standing Committees

Based on the recommendation of the Ethics and Governance Committee (the “EGC”), as presented in GF/B47/06 – Revision 1, the Board:

  1. Acknowledges the changes to the Charter of the Strategy Committee already approved through GF/B46/DP06 and which will be effective as of 31 December 2022;
  2. Amends the Charters of the Standing Committees of the Board (“the Charters”), as set forth respectively in Annexes 5, 6 and 7 of GF/B47/06 – Revision 1, which shall each become effective upon the conclusion of the forty-seventh Board meeting; and
  3. Acknowledging the specific scope and intent of the changes to the Charters, requests the EGC leadership to determine, after consultation with the Board leadership, Coordinating Group, Standing Committees and Secretariat, as relevant, whether a more complete review of the Charters may be required during the next EGC term.

Budgetary Implications

There are not any budgetary implications additional to OPEX budget