Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 17 November 2022

Advancement of Non-Global Fund-Financed Procurement Utilizing the Pooled Procurement Mechanism and

The Board:

  1. recalls its approval of a pilot for procurement of health and non-health products via for eligible buyers using domestic and other non-Global Fund sources of funding as detailed in GF/B37/DP09 and GF/B42/DP05; and its request that the Secretariat include the results of an evaluation of the pilot in the development of a strategy for future advancement of to be presented for Board approval no later than November 2022;
  2. notes the Technical Evaluation Reference Group (“TERG”) evaluation findings and recommendations concerning the pilot discussed at the 18th meeting of the Strategy Committee; and
  3. understands that the Secretariat will explore appropriate solutions for the challenges raised by the TERG evaluation and continue to facilitate access to products through, while in parallel working to strengthen the capacities of regional and national procurement channels to ensure value for money and options for access to quality-assured heath products for countries.

Therefore, based on the Strategy Committee’s recommendation and in support of the proposed approach for non-Global Fund financed procurements, as detailed in GF/B48/05, the Board approves:

  1. The Secretariat’s continued operationalization of the current scope of non-Global Fund-financed orders by governments and non-government development organizations in Global Fund-eligible and transitioned countries, for products and services as they become available on;
  2. Removing any cap related to non-Global Fund-financed orders; and
  3. Incorporating reporting on the non-Global Fund-financed procurement mechanism into annual updates to the Board on NextGen Market Shaping implementation

Budgetary Implications

Costs associated with operationalization of continuation of the non-Global Fund-financed procurement mechanism are estimated at up to USD 350,000 per year for incremental and ongoing operating costs related to information technology and staff. Following Board approval, these estimated costs will be incorporated, as appropriate, into the OPEX budget.