Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 10 May 2023

2023-2028 KPI Framework adjustments

The Board notes the recommendations of the Audit and Finance Committee (“AFC”) as set forth in GF/AFC21/EDP02, and the Strategy Committee (“SC”) as set forth in GF/SC21A/DP01, and:

  1. Approves the adjustments to the 2023-2028 Key Performance Indicator (“KPI”) Framework (including each KPI) as set forth in GF/B49/03 Annex 2;
  2. Notes that proposed material changes to a KPI (refer to GF/B49/03 Annex 1 for the approach to assessing materiality) will continue to be recommended by the AFC or SC, within their respective allocated responsibilities (each a “Relevant Committee”) (as set forth in Annex 2 section 2.2 of GF/AFC20/09 and Annex 2 section 2.1 of GF/SC20/05 revision 2), for Board approval; and
  3. Delegates authority to the Secretariat, in consultation with the Relevant Committee Chair and Vice Chair, to make non-material KPI adjustments, in line with GF/B49/03 Annex 1, and report back to the Relevant Committees and Board on all such changes.

Budgetary Implications

This decision has no budgetary implications.