its gratitude for the work of the 2016 Executive Director Nomination Committee in leading the 2016-2017 selection process of the Executive Director of the Global Fund (“2016-2017 Selection Process”); and
its discussions during the February 2017 Board Retreat with respect to the 2016 – 2017 Selection Process, including the importance of refining the process for identifying, and presenting to the Board, the short-listed candidates for Executive Director taking into account the need to balance transparency and confidentiality considerations throughout the recruitment process.
As such, to facilitate the launch of the new recruitment process for the Executive Director of the Global Fund, the Board requests the Board Leadership, in consultation with the Ethics and Governance Committee (the “EGC”) to review, and propose to the Board, by no later than the EGC’s March 2017 meeting, revisions to the terms of reference of the Executive Director Nomination Committee.
Upon completion of the steps outlined in paragraph 2 above, the Board shall appoint the members of the 2017 Executive Director Nomination Committee and launch the new recruitment process for the Executive Director.