Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 30 April 2010

Next National Strategy Application Funding Opportunity

The Board:

1. notes the progress achieved in the implementation of the First Learning Wave ("FLW") of National Strategy Application ("NSAs");

2. acknowledges the analysis of lessons of the FLW and the recommendations for further investment on the basis of NSAs presented in GF/PSC13/02, which respond to the Board's decision GF/B20/DP26 requesting these; and

3. refers to its decision GF/B18/DP20 to bring the NSA procedure into operation through a phased roll-out.

The Board requests the Secretariat to initiate a next NSA funding opportunity on a schedule that enables funding decisions to be made at the Board meeting in the fourth quarter of 2011, subject to availability of funding. The TRP-recommended applications emanating from this NSA submission opportunity shall be treated at least in the same manner as other proposals being simultaneously considered for new funding (see Section 9 of the Comprehensive Funding Policy).

In addition, the Board requests the Secretariat to:

1. ensure the next NSA funding opportunity builds on the lessons learned in the FLW;

2. plan for the next NSA funding opportunity to include an incrementally larger number of countries than the FLW;

3.focus on applications based on a national disease strategy that has been jointly assessed using a credible, joint assessment approach for national disease strategies that accords with the fundamental principles supported by the Policy and Strategy Committee (GF/B16/06):

i.  country ownership;

   ii.  independence;

iii.  consistency;

iv.  adequate expertise;

v.  transparency; and

vi.  multi-stakeholder involvement;

4. further encourage meaningful multi-stakeholder involvement in the development of the national strategy;

5. ensure the application and grant management processes for the next NSA funding opportunity are consistent with the new Global Fund grant architecture (as described in GF/B20/DP31 and GF/PSC12/02);

6. draw lessons from the next NSA funding opportunity to inform a future broader roll-out of the NSA procedure; and

7. periodically update the Board through the PSC on the possible financial implications of the next NSA funding opportunity, and consult with the PIC on implementation.

The Board authorizes the Secretariat to make exceptions to existing policies and procedures to the extent necessary to implement the next NSA funding opportunity, under the same conditions as those for the FLW, as stated in GF/B18/DP20. The principles in that decision shall also apply to the next NSA funding opportunity, with the exception of the principle regarding the funding period, which will be based on the Global Fund new architecture.