Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 12 May 2011

Plan for Comprehensive Reform: Partnerships

The Board recognizes that the Global Fund, as a financing agency, is both a part of, and heavily dependent on, a partnership model in a range of its strategic functions including to an extent for the success of countries in developing, managing and implementing grants in countries. The Board supports consideration of the recommendations set forth in Parts 5.8-5.10 of the Report of the Comprehensive Working Group GF/B23/13 in the Strategy Process. The Board requests that the Secretariat move on the following two items in the near term, and report on its progress and implementation of these actions at the Twenty-Fourth Board Meeting:

  1. Strengthen country-level mechanisms to build on goodwill-based partnerships through formalized agreements between in-country stakeholders to ensure effective technical cooperation, country support, and capacity building in areas that have been identified as gaps, e.g., in technical, financial, and operational management. 

  2. Use flexible funding models, where agreed by the Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) and Principal Recipients (PRs), to utilize existing grant budgets to improve financing of partner support for grant implementation, particularly in bottleneck situations.