Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 10 October 2002

Adoption of the report and recommendations of the Working Group on Proposals

The Board decided to adopt the report and recommendations of the Working Group on Proposals. The decision points are to: ratify the expansion of the TRP from 17 to 22 members on an experimental basis; The Board decided to revise the TRP review approach so that it strengthens the transparency and consistency of the process while maintaining the independence and flexibility of the TRP. Specifically, the TRP will score all proposals and present them to the Board classified according to four categories, namely:Category 1: Recommended for funding with no or minor modifications; Category 2: Recommended for funding provided clarifications are met within a limited timeframe (e.g. 6 weeks); Category 3: Not recommended for funding in its present form but strongly encouraged to resubmit; Category 4: Not recommended for funding.

The Board agreed that WHO/UNAIDS and other technical partners will verify data, compile statistics and provide written answers to the TRP on an agreed set of questions relating to all proposals going to the TRP.

The Board agree that the Secretariat will provide, rationales for non-eligible proposals, executive Summaries and standardized TRP reporting forms for all reviewed proposals, full texts of recommended proposals on request, and statistics on all received proposals (countries, diseases, poverty indicators etc.) to the Board prior to the next Board meeting in January 2003:

The Board strongly encouraged the Global Fund’s partners (e.g. local civil society and others) with in-country presence to increase their support and assistance to CCMs during all phases of the process.

The Board requested the Committee on Portfolio Management and Procurement to identify the most needy and poorest countries and ensure they are not systematically excluded; to consider the need for, and make recommendations about, a recourse mechanism (appeal procedure) for countries; to improve the information sharing between the Fund’s stakeholders; to provide guidance on operational research to the TRP;to set clearer boundaries for financial support by the Fund, including eligibility, priorities and Round budgets; to review the functioning of the TRP, including how membership is selected and expanded and how it is renewed after two Rounds; to regard Recommendation 2, evaluating whether there are conflicts of interest for technical experts to CCMs who may be benefiting from Global Fund applications on which they are providing assistance, or who may otherwise be assisting the TRP with its deliberations; to define how to deal more effectively with non-technical and non-disease specific elements of the TRP review such as broader developmental and health systems issues;

The Board requested the Committee on Portfolio Management and Procurement to expand the partnership between various actors (including TRSG, WHO, UNAIDS), at all levels including technical assistance that can be provided by national and international NGO’s "