Report of the TRP, including Round 3 Funding Decisions
Approved by the Board on: 17 October 2003
Report of the TRP, including Round 3 Funding Decisions
The Board approves for funding the Round 3 categories 1 and 2A today, (15 October) subject to the completion of TRP clarifications.
The Board approves proposals in TRP category 2B, subject to the completion of TRP clarifications. This decision would become effective upon Board confirmation by email in January 2004. Meanwhile the Secretariat can proceed with resolving TRP clarifications for these proposals.
The completion of TRP clarifications in Category 1 should be completed within 4 weeks of the applicant's receipt of the initial decision of the Board, and given final approval by the TRP Chair and/or Vice Chair.
The initial reply to TRP clarifications for proposals in Category 2 should be received within 6 weeks of the applicant's receipt of the initial decision of the Board, and any further clarifications should be completed within 4 months from the receipt of the initial reply from the applicant. The TRP Chair and/or Vice Chair shall give final approval based on consultations with the primary and secondary reviewers.
Proposals in Category 3 are not recommended in their current form but are encouraged to resubmit.
Proposals in Category 4 are not recommended for funding.
The Board requests the PMPC and GPC to examine the issue of non-CCM proposals that have been approved by the Board and that may be against the criteria for non-CCM proposals, and report to the Seventh Board Meeting.
The Board requests the PMPC and GPC to review the applicability of the eligibility criteria to future non-CCM applications.
The Board requests the GPC todevelop with reference to the Framework Document guidelinesrecommendations for alternative funding mechanisms where particular constraints exist about funding the proposed Principal Recipients and sub recipients. These recommendations should reflect the humanitarian spirit of the Global Fund and the desire to direct funds quickly and accountably to affected populations. These modalities, subject to approval by the Board, should also apply to all approved proposals in Round 3.
The Board requests the GPC to examine the possible conflicts of interest between the Chairs of CCMs and the Principal Recipients, particularly in the process of selecting Principal Recipients.
The Board requests the GPC to examine the eligibility of CCM applications when the composition of CCMs lacks representation of communities affected by the three diseases and civil society.