Approved by the Board on: 15 December 2010
The Board refers to its earlier decision regarding the evaluation of Phase 1 of the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria (AMFm) (GF/B20/DP24), and notes that AMFm Phase 1 is currently funded as a 24-month program.
The Board recognizes the shift in the start of the implementation of AMFm Phase 1 and the need to ensure an evaluation that can inform a decision on the future of the AMFm as a business line. Accordingly, the Board decides to extend the implementation period of AMFm Phase 1 by six months and requests the AMFm Ad Hoc Committee to present a recommendation to the Board at its second meeting in 2012 on whether to expand, accelerate, modify, terminate or suspend the AMFm business line.
The Board grants the Secretariat the authority to work with relevant countries and Principal Recipients to extend the relevant grants and to make any other consequential amendments to those grants as a result of the extension of AMFm Phase 1. The Board further decides that there are no additional funds earmarked for financing AMFm Phase 1 Supporting Interventions, and countries and Principal Recipients should plan accordingly.
In order to support the six month extension, the activities of the AMFm Unit shall be extended by six months. At current budgetary rates, not including the Professional Fees for the Independent Evaluation, an additional US$ 1.6 million will be required in 2012. The six month extension is expected to result in an increase in Professional Fees in 2012 for the Independent Evaluation of US$ 108,000 to cover additional labor costs, inflation and wage increases.
The six month extension will likely mean a reduction in 2011 Professional Fees expenditure for the end-point data collection contracts. However, any expenditure saved in 2011 would correspondingly be incurred in 2012. The actual costs of end-point data collection will be known when the contracts for the data collection firms are finalized. The Board notes that this could result in an additional cost or a saving to the estimated US$ 3.9 million budget for the end-point data collection. Any additional cost to the end-point data collection budget will be presented to the Board for approval.