Exceptional Extension Funding Related to the Timing of the Approval of Round 11
Approved by the Board on: 12 May 2011
Exceptional Extension Funding Related to the Timing of the Approval of Round 11
Further to GF/B22/DP25 ("Measures Associated with Funding Proposals"), the Board notes the potential funding gaps faced by certain countries as a result of the decision of the Board to approve Round 11 proposals at the first Board meeting of 2012, instead of at the last Board meeting in 2011.
To mitigate the potential adverse impact on service delivery, the Board approves Exceptional Extension Funding to grants that reach the end of their Phase-2 terms under the Rounds Based or the Rolling Continuation funding channels on the basis of the policy contained in the Report of the Finance and Audit Committee GF/B23/6 Annex 1.
The Secretariat shall review Exceptional Extension Funding requests and provide a funding recommendation to the Board for approval under the "no objection" voting procedures set forth in Article 12 of the Board Operating Procedures.
If incremental funding is not required because there are sufficient funds remaining under the Expiring Grant to cover the Exceptional Extension Funding, the Board authorizes the Secretariat to approve the Request, on the same conditions and subject to the same limitations set out in this policy.
Budgetary Implications
This decision does not have material budgetary implications for the 2011 Operating Expenses Budget.