Approved by the Board on: 15 December 2010
The Board agrees to adopt the measures outlined below in order to enable the launching of funding opportunities described in GF/B22/DP26.
The Global Fund Strategy Development Process and Reform Agenda
The Board acknowledges the processes underway for development of a new strategy and the agenda for creating a more efficient and effective Global Fund. Nothing in these decisions seeks to prejudge or prejudice the outcomes from these processes.
Eligibility, cost sharing and prioritization
The Board affirms the importance and urgency of the ongoing review of the Global Fund's eligibility criteria, cost sharing and prioritization requirements and that the Board will make a decision on these matters at its first meeting in 2011 (GF/B22/DP8). The Board now decides that the revised requirements on eligibility, cost sharing and prioritization, to be approved at the Twenty-Third Board Meeting, shall apply for all funding opportunities described in GF/B22/DP26.
Assessment of the impact of program interruption at the May 2011 Board Meeting
The Board requests the Secretariat to undertake an analysis of the potential impact of program implementation being interrupted as a consequence of the timing of funding decisions on Round 11 being at the first meeting of 2012 rather than at the end of 2011 and to report its findings to the Finance and Audit Committee (FAC) and the Portfolio Implementation Committee.
Based on this analysis, the FAC will make a recommendation to the Board on any necessary measures to mitigate the impact of identified cases of program interruption. Consequent to this the Board will decide, at its meeting in May 2011, whether to extend the provisions relating to Funding of Additional Commitments, as described below for Round 10, to also apply to Round 9 with a view to:
Funding of Additional Commitments for Round 10
The Board refers to its decision at the Twentieth Board Meeting (GF/B20/DP9) to make funding commitments in respect of Additional Commitments in two tranches of an initial two-year period and an additional one year period.
The Board now decides in respect of Additional Commitments, arising from Round 10 Proposals only, to make such commitments in three tranches of one year each. This measure is being adopted on an exceptional basis in order to enable a more effective and even commitment of resources within the Third Replenishment term and as an exception to the provisions of paragraph 3.c of the Comprehensive Funding Policy.
The Board requests the Secretariat to implement this decision in a manner that minimizes funding uncertainty and transaction costs.
Increase in Current Ceilings on Additional Commitments for Round 8 and Round 9 Proposals and the First Learning Wave of National Strategy Applications
The Board decisions to increase the limits on Round 8, Round 9 and First Learning Wave of National Strategy Application proposals from 75% to 90%. In doing so, the Board refers to its decision at the Eighteenth Board Meeting (GF/B18/DP13) and its decision at the Twentieth Board Meeting (GF/B20/DP9) which provided for the limits described in these decisions to be increased from 75% to 90% when new resources become available, subject to Board approval.
Application of Performance Based Funding
The Board acknowledges the importance of implementing Performance Based Funding as a core principle of the Global Fund.
In this context, the Board requests the Secretariat to strengthen its application of Performance Based Funding principles having regard to utilization of funds and performance of existing grants. Accordingly the Board requests the Secretariat to consider reductions in Additional Commitments, where appropriate for reasons of performance, and to work with CCMs and Principal Recipients in order to adjust performance targets in light of the revised lifetime budgets; this will result in overall savings that will then be available for approval of new funding opportunities.