Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 22 November 2011

The Global Fund Evaluation Strategy 2012-2016

The Board:

  1. Approves the Global Fund Evaluation Strategy 2012-2016 (as set out in Annex 1 to the Report of the Policy and Strategy Committee (GF/B25/12));

  2. Acknowledges that the Global Fund Evaluation Strategy 2012-2016 may require additional revisions in order to ensure consistency with the final Global Fund Strategy 2012-2016, as approved under GF/B25/DP5, and requests that the Secretariat, working together with the TERG, update the Global Fund Evaluation Strategy 2012-2016 as may be required;

  3. Requests the TERG to develop an annual implementation plan for the Global Fund Evaluation Strategy 2012-2016; and

  4. Requests the TERG, through the new Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee, to submit a revised Global Fund Evaluation Strategy 2012-2016 and the first annual implementation plan to the Twenty-Sixth Board Meeting for approval, and to submit subsequent annual implementation plans thereafter.