Additional Funding for the Ghana Round 8 HIV Grants (GHN-809-G09-H; GHN-809-G10-H; GHN-809-G11-H; an…
Approved by the Board on: 20 August 2012
Additional Funding for the Ghana Round 8 HIV Grants (GHN-809-G09-H; GHN-809-G10-H; GHN-809-G11-H; and GHN-809-G12-H)
The Board:
Approves additional funding for the next implementation period of the Ghana Round 8 HIV grants (GHN-809-G09-H; GHN-809-G10-H; GHN-809-G11-H; and GHN-809-G12-H) as a ‘Conditional Go’ in the amount of US$ 43,524,540 subject to Technical Review Panel (‘TRP’) clarifications and conditions within a limited timeframe, and any additional conditions to be cleared by the Secretariat. Approval is also subject to the provision that continued funding for the grant shall be committed in annual tranches, subject to the availability of funding (GF/B25/DP16, para 7 of Annex 1).
Reaffirms that the maximum funding amount available for the next implementation period of these grants shall be the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for the prior implementation period which have not been utilized during that period, either undisbursed funds or cash balances held by recipients under the grants.