Approved by the Board on: 05 June 2015
The Board:
Annex: Bhutan (BTN-M-MOH), Ethiopia (ETH-S-FMOH, ETH-M-FMOH), Gambia (GMB-H-NAS, GMB-H-ActionAid), Guinea (GIN-M-CRS), Lao (People Democratic Republic) (LAO-T-GFMOH), Mozambique (MOZ-M-MOH, MOZ-M-WV, MOZ-H-MOH, MOZ-T-MOH, MOZ-C-FDC), Papua New Guinea (PNG-H-OSHF), Philippines (PHL-H-SC), Sao Tome & Principe (STP-T-UNDP), Senegal (SEN-H-ANCS, SEN-H-CNLS), Somalia (SOM-H-UNICEF, SOM-M-UNICEF), South Sudan (SSD-T-UNDP), Tanzania (TZA-H-MOF, TZA-T-MOF), Uganda (UGA-S-MoFPED, UGA-S-TASO, UGA-C-TASO, UGA-H-MoFPED, UGA-T-MoFPED), Viet Nam (VNM-H-VAAC, VNM-H-VUSTA, VNM-T-NTP) and Yemen (YEM-M-NMCP).
A register of the Board's Funding Decisions can be found here.