Based on the recommendations of the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee (the "SIIC"), as set forth in GF/B33/ER17, the Board decides the next strategy should cover the six-year period that begins on 1 January 2017 and ends on 31 December 2022 (the "2017 - 2022 Strategy"), with a mid-point review of progress and implementation.
The Board notes the importance of coherence between the strategy, allocation and replenishment, as well as the need to provide advanced articulation of the Global Fund's strategy and objectives to guide implementation planning, facilitate advocacy efforts and support mobilization of resources.
Accordingly, the Board directs the SIIC, or its successor committee, to develop a timeline for developing and finalizing the strategy that will commence immediately after the 2017 - 2022 Strategy as part of the mid-point review of the 2017 - 2022 Strategy.