Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 15 December 2010

Launch of Round 11, the Second Wave of National Strategy Applications and a Health Systems Funding Platform Pilot

The Board refers to its decision at the Twenty-Second Board Meeting entitled "Measures Associated with Round 10 and Future Funding Opportunities".

The Board acknowledges its responsibility to take a decision on eligibility, cost-sharing and prioritization at its Twenty-Third Board Meeting in order to launch Round 11, Second Wave of National Strategy Applications (NSAs) and Health Systems Funding Platform pilot (HSFP) as follows:

Launch of Round 11

a.  The Board requests the Secretariat to make a call for proposals on 15 August 2011, with a submission due date of 15 December 2011.

b.  The Board acknowledges that the Portfolio and Implementation Committee will approve the proposal forms and guidelines for Round 11, which will incorporate requirements for transitioning to the new Global Fund grant architecture and reflect the eligibility, cost sharing and prioritization requirements arising from Board decisions taken by the Board in May 2011.

c.   The Board requests that Round 11 proposals be reviewed by the Technical Review Panel in time for approval at the first Board Meeting of 2012.

Second wave of National Strategy Applications

The Board refers its decision GF/B21/DP4 to initiate the second funding opportunity for National Strategy Applications (NSA)("the Second Wave") and now approves the launch of the Second Wave of NSA under the following timeline:

a.  The Board requests the Secretariat to initiate the Second Wave of NSA in January 2011.

b.  Notwithstanding this launch date, Board decisions concerning new requirements on eligibility, cost sharing and prioritization will apply to the Second Wave of NSA.

c.   The Board requests that Second Wave of NSA proposals be reviewed by the Technical Review Panel (TRP) in time for approval at the first Board Meeting of 2012.

Health Systems Funding Platform Pilot (HSFP)

The Board refers to its decision at the Twenty-First Board Meeting GF/B21/DP5, such that the Board could approve funding requests emanating from a pilot in four to five countries at the same time that it approves Round 11 proposals.

The Board notes that, at its 14th meeting in October 2010, under delegated authority of the Board, the Policy and Strategy Committee approved the design of the pilot for the approach identified as 'Track 2 option 2' of the HSFP.

Accordingly, the Board approves the launch of the HSFP pilot as follows:

a.  The Board requests the Secretariat to initiate the HSFP pilot on or about January 2011.

b.  Notwithstanding this launch date, Board decisions concerning new requirements on eligibility, cost sharing and prioritization will apply to the HSFP pilot. 

c.   The Board acknowledges that the Portfolio and Implementation Committee will approve the proposal form and guidelines for the HSFP pilot.

d.  The Board requests that HSFP pilot proposals be reviewed by the TRP in time for approval at the first Board meeting of 2012.

Launch of Funding opportunities beyond 2011: 

The Board refers to its decision at its Fourteenth Board Meeting entitled "Establishment of Fixed Dates for Rounds" (GF/B14/DP12) to announce to the public, with significant advance notice, future Rounds of funding.

Accordingly, the Board decides to launch Round 12 (and other funding opportunities1) within the Third Replenishment period, i.e. no later than 31 December 2013. Based on the availability of assets, the Board may decide to make this call for proposals well in advance of 31 December 2013 with the goal of making funding decisions during 2013 and acknowledges the value this would have in supporting the urgent need for continued scale-up in the fight against the three diseases.

Budgetary Implications

The Board delegates to the Finance and Audit Committee authority to agree the budgetary implications of this decision point.