Launch of the selection process for the next Inspector General
Approved by the Board on: 05 September 2014
Launch of the selection process for the next Inspector General
The Board:
Approves the establishment of a seven-member ad hoc nominations committee to assist the Board with its appointment of the next Inspector General (the “IG AHNC”) according to the Terms of Reference set out in Annex 1 of the Electronic Report to the Board that is numbered GF/B31/ER22.
Appoints the following five individuals, based on nominations by the voting constituencies of the Board as well as the World Bank, to serve as members of the IG AHNC, each serving in his or her personal capacity:
Jan PAEHLER, who will also serve as Chair of the IG AHNC
Timothy ZIEMER
Delegates authority to the Board Chair, in consultation with the Board Vice Chair, and Chair and Vice Chair of the Audit and Ethics Committee, to appoint by 5 September 2014, the two remaining members of the IG AHNC that are not affiliated with a Board constituency, as stipulated in the Terms of Reference of the IG AHNC.