Notes that the two-year term of the current Board Members began on 28 January 2002 (the appointment of Board Members is recorded in the minutes of the First Board Meeting), the current term of office of Board Members appointed to the first Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will expire this week. Therefore, Board membership must be confirmed by 28 January 2004.
The final nominations for Board membership were received on 27 January 2004, by the Secretariat and are therefore proposed to the Board for approval in accordance with Article 7.4 of the Bylaws namely:
7.4 Functions
Appoint Board Members selected in accordance with Article 7.2.
Notes that Article 7.2 states:
7.2 Appointment of Foundation Board Members
Each group mentioned in Article 7.1 of these Bylaws will determine a process for selecting its Foundation Board representation. Board Members will serve as representatives of their constituencies. Foundation Board members will serve on the Foundation Board for two years or such other term that the Foundation Board may determine.
Board members shall be deemed to act in their capacity as representatives of their respective governments, organizations, constituencies and other entities.
Approves the new Global Fund Board as listed in the attached document.
The text of this decision reflects the substance of the emailfrom the Secretariat requesting Board approval on this matter. The referencenumber of this decision was assigned post-factum.