Approved by the Board on: 19 November 2004
Decision Point 1
The Board approves the list of persons contained in Annex 3 of the Report of the Portfolio Management and Procurement Committee (GF/B9/9) who have been recommended by the Portfolio Management and Procurement Committee and the Executive Director to fill the vacancies on the Technical Review Panel.
There are no material budgetary implications for this decision point.
Decision Point 2
The Board approves the list of persons contained in Annex 4 that have been recommended by the PMPC and the Executive Director to comprise the TRP Support Group.
There are no material budgetary implications for this decision point.
Decision Point 3
Board decides that the language used in its decisions for the approval of Category 2 proposals shall be modified to read as follows:
"Recommended proposals provided adjustments and clarifications are met within a limited timeframe (the initial reply to TRP adjustments and clarifications should be received within 6 weeks of the applicant's receipt of the initial decision of the Board, and any further adjustments and clarifications should be completed within 4 months from the receipt of the initial reply from the applicant). The TRP Chair and/or Vice-Chair shall give final approval based on consultations with the primary and secondary reviewers."
There are no material budgetary implications for this decision point.